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Ainsworth Minicipal Arpt (ANW)
Lee Annapolis Arpt (ANP)
Aniak Arpt (ANI)
Anderson Arpt (AND)
Anchorage Intl Arpt (ANC)
Anniston Municipal Arpt (ANB)
Anaheim Arpt (ANA)
Ames Minicipal Arpt (AMW)
Amarillo Intl Arpt (AMA)
Tradewind Airport (TDW)
Thomas C Russell Field (ALX)
Walla Walla City County (ALW)
Alamosa Municipal (ALS)
Livingston Betsworth Fld (ALO)
Alamogordo Municipal (ALM)
Alpine Aprt (ALE)
Albany Cty Arpt (ALB)
King Salmon Arpt (AKN)
Lee C Fine Memorial (AIZ)
Pomona Field (ACY)
Bader Field (AIY)
Wainwright Municipal Arpt (AIN)
Aiken Municipal Arpt (AIK)
Anderson Municipal Arpt (AID)
Alliance Municipal (AIA)
Athens Municipal (AHN)
Bush Field (AGS)
Daniel Airport (DNL)
Magnolia Municipal (AGO)
Angoon Arpt (AGN)
Esler Field (ESF)
Alexandria Intl Arpt (AEX)
Albert Lea Arpt (AEL)
Andrews Air Force Base (ADW)
Ada Municipal Arpt (ADT)
Kodiak Arpt (ADQ)
Kodiak Municipal (KDK)
Ardmore Municipal Arpt (ADM)
Adak Island Ns (ADK)
Lenawee County Arpt (ADG)
Arcata Eureka Arpt (ACV)
Madison Cooper Arpt (ACT)
Nantucket Memorial (ACK)
Dougherty Cty Arpt (ABY)
Aberdeen Arpt (ABR)
Albuquerque Intl Arpt (ABQ)
Ambler Arpt (ABL)
Abilene Municipal Arpt (ABI)
Lehigh Valley Intl Arpt (ABE)
Apalachicola Municipal Arpt (AAF)
Allen County Arpt (AOH)
Blair Cty Arpt (AOO)
Napa Cty Arpt (APC)
Naples Municipal (APF)
Phelps Collins Arpt (APN)
Ann Arbor Municipal (ARB)
Watertown Arpt (ART)
Noble F Lee Memorial Field (ARV)
Pitkin Cty Arptt Sardy Fld (ASE)
Boire Field Arpt (ASH)
Harrison County Arpt (ASL)
Talladega Arpt (ASN)
Astoria Arpt (AST)
Dekalb Peachtree (PDK)
Fulton Cty Arpt (FTY)
Hartsfield Jackson Intl Arpt (ATL)
Ohio University Arpt (ATO)
Outagamie Cty Arpt (ATW)
Watertown Municipal (ATY)
Maine State Arpt (AUG)
Auburn Opelika (AUO)
Bergstrom Intl Arpt (AUS)
Wausau Municipal Arpt (AUW)
Central Wisconsin Arpt (CWA)
Aurora Municipal Arpt (AUZ)
Asheville Municipal Arpt (AVL)
Wilkes Barre Scranton Intl Arpt (AVP)
Catalina Arpt (SXC)
Neil Armstrong Arpt (AXV)
Ware County Arpt (AYS)
Kalamazoo Cty Arpt (AZO)
Broken Bow Municipal (BBW)
Virginia Tech Arpt (BCB)
Bryce Arpt (BCE)
Sikorsky Memorial Arpt (BDR)
Bedford Arpt (BED)
Ross Field (BEH)
Bethel Airport (BET)
Bradford Regional Arpt (BFD)
Scottsbluff Municipal (BFF)
Bullfrog Basin Arpt (BFG)
Meadows Field (BFL)
Beaver Falls Arpt (BFP)
Virgil I Grissom Municipal (BFR)
Beaufort County Arpt (BFT)
Edwin A Link Field (BGM)
Bangor Intl Arpt (BGR)
Hancock County (BHB)
Birmingham International Arpt (BHM)
Block Island Municipal (BID)
Bishop Airport (BIH)
Logan Field (BIL)
Bismarck Municipal Arpt (BIS)
Jeffco Arpt (BJC)
Bemidji Municipal Arpt (BJI)
Branson Regional Arpt (BKG)
Raleigh Cty Memorial (BKW)
Brookings Municipal (BKX)
Mercer County (BLF)
Blythe Airport (BLH)
Bellingham Intl Arpt (BLI)
Scott AFB Mid America (BLV)
Monroe Cty Arpt Indiana (BMG)
Normal Airport (BMI)
Nashville International Arpt (BNA)
Burns Municipal Arpt (BNO)
Boise Municipal Arpt Gowen Field (BOI)
Brookings State Arpt (BOK)
Logan Intl Arpt (BOS)
Bartow Arpt (BOW)
Jefferson Cty Arpt (BPT)
Gylnco Jet Port (BQK)
Borinquen Municipal Arpt (BQN)
Crowwing Cty Arpt (BRD)
Burlington Municipal Arpt (BRL)
South Padre Island Intl Arpt (BRO)
Barrow WBAS (BRW)
Blairsville Arpt (BSI)
Bisbee Municipal Arpt (BSQ)
WK Kellogg Regional (BTL)
Bert Mooney Arpt (BTM)
Baton Rouge Downtown Arpt (EBR)
Ryan Airport (BTR)
Bettles Arpt (BTT)
Burlington Intl Arpt (BTV)
Greater Buffalo Intl Arpt (BUF)
Burbank Glendale Pasadena Arpt (BUR)
Bartlesville Municipal Arpt (BVO)
Batesville Municipal (BVX)
Beverly Municipal Arpt (BVY)
Brawley Arpt (BWC)
Brownwood Municipal Arpt (BWD)
Warren Cty Arpt (BWG)
Baltimore Washington Intl Arpt (BWI)
Phillips Army Air Field (APG)
Borrego Valley Arpt (BXS)
Burley Arpt (BYI)
Blakely Is Municipal (BYW)
Gallatin Field (BZN)
Brazoria County Arpt (BZT)
Wexford County Arpt (CAD)
Orangeburg Municpal (OGB)
Columbia Metro Arpt (CAE)
Akron Canton Regional Arpt (CAK)
Caribou Municipal Arpt (CAR)
Cumberland Municipal Arpt (CBE)
Council Bluffs Municipal Arpt (CBF)
Colby Municipal Arpt (CBK)
Buchanan Field (CCR)
Cedar City Municipal (CDC)
Harrell Fieldsandro Arpt (CDH)
Chadron Arpt (CDR)
Mudhole Smith Arpt (CDV)
Caldwell Wright Arpt (CDW)
Crescent City Municipal Arpt (CEC)
Clemson Oconee Cty Arpt (CEU)
Calloway Cty Arpt (CEY)
Montezuma County (CEZ)
Craig Seaplane Base (CGA)
Cape Girardeau Municipal Arpt (CGI)
Chattanooga Lovell Fld (CHA)
Williams AFB Airport (CHD)
Pal Waukee Arpt (PWK)
Chicago Rockford Arpt (RFD)
Dupage County Arpt (DPA)
O'Hare Intl Arpt (ORD)
Midway (MDW)
Charlottesville Albemarle Arpt (CHO)
Charleston Intl Arpt (CHS)
Chico Municipal Arpt (CIC)
Cedar Rapids Municipal Arpt (CID)
Craig Moffat (CIG)
Melsing Creek Arpt (CIL)
El Cajon Arpt (CJN)
Clarksburg Benedum Arpt (CKB)
Fletcher Field (CKM)
Outlaw Field (CKV)
Metroport (CLC)
Carlsbad Arpt (CLD)
Cuyahoga County Airport (CGF)
Hopkins Intl Arpt (CLE)
Burke Lakefront Arpt (BKL)
Easterwood Field (CLL)
William Fairchild Intl Arpt (CLM)
Charlotte Douglas Intl Arpt (CLT)
Columbus Municipal Arpt (CLU)
Clearwater Executive Airpark (CLW)
Ohio State Univ Arpt (OSU)
Rickenbacker Intl Arpt (LCK)
Port Columbus Intl Arpt (CMH)
Univ Of Illinois Willard Arpt (CMI)
Houghton Cty Memorial Arpt (CMX)
Camp Mccoy Aaf (CMY)
Carlsbad Airport (CNM)
Moab Municipal (CNY)
Yellowstone Regional Arpt (COD)
Coeur d Alene Municipal Arpt (COE)
Patrick AFB (COF)
Merrit Island Arpt (COI)
Concord Arpt (CON)
Colorado Springs Municipal Arpt (COS)
Columbia Regional (COU)
Natrona Cty Intl Arpt (CPR)
Culebra Arpt (CPX)
Corpus Christi Intl Arpt (CRP)
Yeager Arpt (CRW)
Roscoe Turner Arpt (CRX)
Columbus Metro Ft Benning Arpt (CSG)
San Luis Obispo County Arpt (SBP)
O Sullivan Army Air Field (CSL)
Clinton Municipal Arpt (CLK)
Sherman Arpt (CSM)
Carson Arpt (CSN)
Cottonwood Airport (CTW)
Columbus Municipal (CUS)
Cincinnati Municipal Arpt (LUK)
Cincinnati No Kentucky Intl Arpt (CVG)
Clovis Airport (CVN)
Albany Bus Service (QWY)
Corvallis Municipal Arpt (CVO)
Clinton Municipal (CWI)
Calexico Intl Arpt (CXL)
Montgomery Co Arpt (CXO)
Cheyenne Arpt (CYS)
Daytona Beach Regional Arpt (DAB)
Danville Municipal (DAN)
Dayton International Airport (DAY)
Dublin Municipal Arpt (DBN)
Dubuque Municipal Arpt (DBQ)
Pyor Arpt (DCU)
Dodge City Municipal Arpt (DDC)
Decatur Municipal (DEC)
Decorah Municipal (DEH)
Centennial Arpt (APA)
Denver Intl Arpt (DEN)
Longmont Bus Service (QWM)
Defiance Memorial Arpt (DFI)
Fort Worth Alliance Arpt (AFW)
Dallas Ft Worth Intl (DFW)
Addison Arpt (ADS)
Love Field (DAL)
Dothan Municipal (DHN)
Dickinson Municipal (DIK)
Dillingham Municipal Arpt (DLG)
Duluth Intl (DLH)
Dillon Arpt (DLL)
The Dalles Municipal Arpt (DLS)
Sedalia Memorial Arpt (DMO)
Vermillion Cty (DNV)
Delaware Airpark (DVX)
Dover AFB (DOV)
Durango La Plata Cty Arpt (DRO)
Animas Airpark (AMK)
International Del Rio (DRT)
Destin Arpt (DSI)
Des Moines Municipal Airport (DSM)
Berz Macomb Arpt (UIZ)
Willow Run Arpt (YIP)
Selfridge Air Natl Guard (MTC)
Detroit City Apt (DET)
Detroit Metro Wayne Cnty Arpt (DTW)
Halliburton Arpt (DUC)
Bisbee Douglas Intl (DUG)
Dubois Jefferson Cty Arpt (DUJ)
Emergency Field (DUT)
Devils Lake Arpt (DVL)
Davenport Airport (DVN)
Danbury Municipal Arpt (DXR)
Doylestown Arpt (DYL)
Eagle Airport (EAA)
Kearney Municipal Arrpt (EAR)
Pangborn Memorial Fld (EAT)
Claire Municipal Airport (EAU)
Elizabeth Municipal Cgas (ECG)
Edenton Municipal Arpt (EDE)
Needles Arpt (EED)
Dilliant Hopkins Arpt (EEN)
Beaver Creek Van Service (ZBV)
Vail Van Service (QBF)
Eagle County Arpt (EGE)
Maverick County Arpt (EGP)
Eagle River Union Arpt (EGV)
Rentschler Arpt (EHT)
Elkhart Municipal Arpt (EKI)
Randolph County Arpt (EKN)
J C Harris Field (EKO)
Addington Field (EKX)
Goodwin Field (ELD)
Elk City Municipal (ELK)
Elmira Corning Regional Arpt (ELM)
El Paso Intl Arpt (ELP)
Biggs Army Air Field (BIF)
Yelland Field (ELY)
El Monte Arpt (EMT)
Kenai Municipal Arpt (ENA)
Centralia Municipal Arpt (ENL)
Kenosha Municipal Arpt (ENW)
Keokuk Arpt (EOK)
Erie Intl (ERI)
Kerrville Arpt (ERV)
Delta County (ESC)
Eastsound Orcas Is Arpt (ESD)
Easton Municipal Arpt (ESN)
Birchwood Pocono Arpt (ESP)
West Bend Arpt (ETB)
Enterprise Municipal (ETS)
Weedon Field (EUF)
Eugene Arpt (EUG)
Eveleth Virginia Municipal Arpt (EVM)
Evansville Regional Arpt (EVV)
Evanston Arpt (EVW)
New Bedford Municipal (EWB)
Newton City County Arpt (EWK)
Craven County Regional Arpt (EWN)
Newark Liberty Intl Arpt (EWR)
Excursion Inlet Municipal (EXI)
Key West Intl (EYW)
Fairbanks Intl Arpt (FAI)
Fajardo Arpt (FAJ)
Hector Airport (FAR)
Fresno Air Terminal (FAT)
Fresno Chandler Arpt (FCH)
Fayetteville Municipal (FAY)
Glacier Park Intl (FCA)
Forrest City Municipal Arpt (FCY)
Frederick Municipal (FDK)
Fergus Falls Municipal (FFM)
Sierra Vista Municipal (FHU)
Chess Lamberton Arpt (FKL)
Flagstaff Arpt (FLG)
Ft Lauderdale Excutive (FXE)
Ft Lauderdale Hollywood Intl Arpt (FLL)
Boca Raton Public (BCT)
Gilbert Field (FLO)
Flippin Arpt (FLP)
Otis AFB (FMH)
Four Corners Regional Arpt (FMN)
Fort Madison Municipal (FMS)
Regional Southwest Arpt (RSW)
Fort Collins Bus Service (QWF)
Municipal Airport (FNL)
Loveland Bus Service (QWH)
Bishop Intl Arpt (FNT)
Fort Bragg Arpt (FOB)
Ft Dodge Municipal (FOD)
Suffolk County Arpt (FOK)
St Lucie County Arpt (FPR)
Friday Harbor Airport (FRD)
Republic Arpt (FRG)
French Lick Municipal Arpt (FRH)
Fairmont Municipal (FRM)
Warren County Arpt (FRR)
Regional Joe Foss Field (FSD)
Ft Smith Municipal (FSM)
Pecos County Arpt (FST)
Meacham Field (FTW)
Fullerton Municipal Arpt (FUL)
Baer Field (FWA)
Fayetteville Municipal Arpt (FYV)
Northwest Arkansas Regional Arpt (XNA)
Gadsden Municipal (GAD)
Montgomery Cty Arpt (GAI)
Galena Arpt (GAL)
Greate Bend Municipal (GBD)
Galesburg Arpt (GBG)
Great Barrington Arpt (GBR)
Campbell Cty Arpt (GCC)
Garden City Municipal (GCK)
Grand Canyon Natl Park Arpt (GCN)
Municipal Greeneville Arpt (GCY)
Sussex County Arpt (GED)
Felts Field (SFF)
Spokane Intl Arpt (GEG)
Pope Field Arpt (GFD)
Grand Forks Mark Andrews Intl (GFK)
Warren County (GFL)
Greg County Arpt (GGG)
International Glasgow (GGW)
Gilbert Fld (GIF)
Walker Field Arpt (GJT)
Gatlinburg Arpt (GKT)
Goodland Municipal (GLD)
Gainesville Municipal Arpt (GLE)
Greenville Municipal (GLH)
Otsego Arpt (GLR)
Scholes Field (GLS)
Glasgow Municipal Arpt (GLW)
Grants Milan Municipal Arpt (GNT)
Gainesville Regional (GNV)
Groton New London Arpt (GON)
Biloxi Regional Arpt (GPT)
Itasca County (GPZ)
Galion Municipal Arpt (GQQ)
Austin Straubel Fld (GRB)
Hall Cty Regional (GRI)
Kent County Intl (GRR)
Seymour Johnson AFB (GSB)
Piedmont Triad Intl (GSO)
Downtown Memorial (SPA)
Greenville Spartanburg Arpt (GSP)
Greenville Downtown Arpt (GMU)
Gustavus Arpt (GST)
Great Falls Intl Arpt (GTF)
Gettysburg Arpt (GTY)
Gunnison Cty (GUC)
Edwards Arpt (GUF)
Gallup Municipal (GUP)
Guymon Municipal Arpt (GUY)
Leflore Arpt (GWO)
Glenwood Springs Arpt (GWS)
Weld County Regional Arpt (GXY)
Litchfield Goodyear Arpt (GYR)
Gary International Arpt (GYY)
Harrisburg Intl (MDT)
Bobby L Chain Municipal (HBG)
Hayden Arpt (HDN)
Natchez Adams Cty (HEZ)
Bradley Intl Arpt (BDL)
Brainard Arpt (HFD)
Washington Cty Regional (HGR)
Hilton Head Municipal (HHH)
Hawthorne Arpt (HHR)
Hibbing Chisolm Arpt (HIB)
Mt washington Regional Arpt (HIE)
Lake Havasu City Municipal Airport (HII)
Portland Hillsboro Arpt (HIO)
Blytheville Municipal Arpt (HKA)
Healy Lake Arpt (HKB)
Hickory Municipal (HKY)
Hillenbrand (HLB)
Park Township (HLM)
Helena Municipal (HLN)
Huntingburg Municipal (HNB)
Hoonah Municipal Arpt (HNH)
Hickam Air Force Base (HIK)
Honolulu Intl (HNL)
Hana Municipal (HNM)
Haines Municipal Arpt (HNS)
Lea County Arpt (HOB)
Homer Municipal Arpt (HOM)
Huron Municipal (HON)
Hopkinsville Christian Country Arpt (HOP)
Memorial Field (HOT)
George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)
West Houston (IWS)
Houston Hobby Arpt (HOU)
David Wayne Hooks Arpt (DWH)
Ellington Field (EFD)
Westchester County Arpt (HPN)
Princeville Arpt (HPV)
Baytown Arpt (HPY)
Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt (HRL)
Boone County Arpt (HRO)
Hastings Municipal (HSI)
Huslia Arpt (HSL)
Ingalls Field (HSP)
Homestead Municipal (HST)
Huntsville Intl Arpt (HSV)
East Hampton Arpt (HTO)
Tri State Milton Arpt (HTS)
Portsmith Regional (PMH)
Huntsville Arpt (HTV)
Humacao Arpt (HUC)
Hulman Field (HUF)
Houlton International (HUL)
Terrebonne Arpt (HUM)
Hughes Municipal Arpt (HUS)
Hutchinson Municipal (HUT)
Intermediate Arpt (HVE)
Tweed New Haven Arpt (HVN)
City County (HVR)
Hayward Air Terminal (HWD)
Barnstable Cty Arpt (HYA)
Hayward Municipal (HYR)
Hays Municipal (HYS)
Niagara Falls Intl Arpt (IAG)
Mid Continent Arpt (ICT)
Fanning Field (IDA)
Indiana County Arpt (IDI)
Laughlin Bullhead Intl Arpt (IFP)
Mohave County (IGM)
Jacksonville Municipal Arpt (IJX)
Greater Kankakee Arpt (IKK)
Gray AAF (GRK)
Killeen Municipal (ILE)
Greater Wilmington New Castle (ILG)
New Hanover Cty Arpt (ILM)
Ford Arpt (IMT)
Indianapolis Intl Arpt (IND)
Intl Falls Arpt (INL)
Smith Reynolds Arpt (INT)
Winslow Municipal (INW)
Iowa City Municipal Airport (IOW)
Imperial County (IPL)
Williamsport Lycoming Municipal (IPT)
Kirksville Municipal (IRK)
Kirsch Municipal (IRS)
Kissimmee Municipal Arpt (ISM)
Sloulin Field Intl Arpt (ISN)
East Reg Jetport Stallings (ISO)
Long Island Macarthur Arpt (ISP)
Schoolcraft County Arpt (ISQ)
Wiscasset Arpt (ISS)
Alexander Field (ISW)
Tomkins County (ITH)
Hilo Hawaii Intl (ITO)
Ironwood Arpt (IWD)
Kern Cty Airport (IYK)
Jackson Hole Arpt (JAC)
Hawkins Field (HKS)
Jackson Evers Intl Arpt (JAN)
Jacksonville Intl Arpt (JAX)
Jacksonville Nas (NIP)
Cecil Field Nas (NZC)
Craig Municipal Arpt (CRG)
Jonesboro Municipal (JBR)
Jefferson City Memorial (JEF)
Kapalua Arpt (JHM)
Chautauqua Cty Arpt (JHW)
Cherokee County Arpt (JKV)
Joplin Municipal Arpt (JLN)
Marin County Arpt (JMC)
Jamestown Arpt (JMS)
Juneau Arpt (JNU)
Joliet Park District Arpt (JOT)
Johnstown Cambria Arpt (JST)
Rock County Arpt (JVL)
Jackson Reynolds Municipal (JXN)
Kake Arpt (KAE)
Johnson Executive Arpt (OJC)
Fairfax Municipal Arpt (KCK)
Mesa Del Rey Arpt (KIC)
Kentland Arpt (KKT)
Kalskag Municipal Arpt (KLG)
Kelso Longview Regional Arpt (KLS)
Klawock Arpt (KLW)
Kennett Municipal Arpt (KNT)
Keahole Arpt (KOA)
King Of Prussia Arpt (KPD)
Ketchikan Intl Arpt (KTN)
Brevig Mission Arpt (KTS)
Port Largo Arpt (KYL)
Zachar Bay Sea Plane Base (KZB)
Lamar Arpt (LAA)
Lafayette Arpt (LAF)
Lakeland Arpt (LAL)
Los Alamos Municipal (LAM)
Lansing Arpt (LAN)
Lar Shively Arpt (SAA)
General Brees Fld (LAR)
Henderson Sky Harbor Arpt (HSH)
Las Vegas North Air Terminal (VGT)
McCarran Intl (LAS)
Boulder City Municipal Arpt (BLD)
Lawton Municipal (LAW)
Van Nuys Arpt (VNY)
Santa Monica Municipal Arpt (SMO)
Los Angeles Intl Arpt (LAX)
Lubbock Preston Smith Intl Arpt (LBB)
Westmorland County (LBE)
Lee Bird Field (LBF)
Liberal Municipal (LBL)
Lumberton Arpt (LBT)
Lake Charles Municipal (LCH)
Laconia Municipal Arpt (LCI)
Linden Municipal (LDJ)
Claremont Municipal (CNH)
Lebanon Regional (LEB)
Leesburg Municipal Arpt (LEE)
Auburn Lewiston Arpt (LEW)
Blue Grass Field (LEX)
Angelina Cty Arpt (LFK)
Lafayette Municipal (LFT)
Long Beach Municipal (LGB)
Calloway Arpt (LGC)
Logan Arpt (LGU)
Lihue Municipal (LIH)
Little Rock Regional (LIT)
Lake Jackson Arpt (LJN)
Burlington Country Arpt (LLY)
Louisville Winston County Arpt (LMS)
Kingsley Field (LMT)
Lincoln Municipal (LNK)
Lancaster Arpt (LNS)
Lanai Airport (LNY)
Corbin London Arpt (LOZ)
La Porte Arpt (LPO)
Lopez Island Arpt (LPS)
Laredo Intl (LRD)
Las Cruces Crawford Arpt (LRU)
La Crosse Municipal (LSE)
Los Banos Arpt (LSN)
Altus Municipal Arpt (AXS)
Hattiesburg Laurel Regional Arpt (PIB)
Hesler Noble Field (LUL)
Kalaupapa Municipal (LUP)
Bron Airport (LVK)
Mission Field (LVM)
Las Vegas Arpt (LVS)
Tucumcari Arpt (TCC)
Greenbrier Valley Arpt (LWB)
Lawrence Municipal (LWC)
Lawrence Arpt (LWM)
Lewiston Nez Pierce Arpt (LWS)
Lewistown Municipal (LWT)
Jim Kelley Field (LXN)
Lynchburg Municipal (LYH)
Ely Municipal Arpt (LYU)
Madera Municipal Arpt (MAE)
Midland Intl Arpt (MAF)
Eugenio M De Hostos Arpt (MAZ)
Manistee Arpt (MBL)
Saginaw Arpt (MBS)
Merced Municipal Arpt (MCE)
McCook Municipal (MCK)
Lewis B Wilson (MCN)
Mason City Municipal (MCW)
Southern Illinois Arpt (MDH)
Key Field (MEI)
West Memphis Municipal Arpt (AWM)
Memphis Naval Air Station (NQA)
Memphis Intl (MEM)
Dare County Regional Arpt (MEO)
Douglas County Arpt (MEV)
Mansfield Municipal (MFD)
Miller Intl (MFE)
Mesquite Arpt (MFH)
Marshfield Municipal Arpt (MFI)
Medford Jackson Cty (MFR)
Michigan City Arpt (MGC)
Dobbins Air Force Base (MGE)
Orange County Arpt (MGJ)
Dannelly Field (MGM)
Moultrie Arpt (MGR)
Morgantown Municipal (MGW)
Mitchell Municipal (MHE)
Manhattan Municipal Arpt (MHK)
Manchester Arpt (MHT)
Kern County Arpt (MHV)
Opa Locka Arpt (OPF)
Miami International Airport (MIA)
Miami Seaplane Base (MPB)
Tamiami Airport (TMB)
Johnson Field (MIE)
Millville Arpt (MIV)
Marshalltown Municipal (MIW)
Kansas City Intl (MCI)
Johnson Industrial Arpt (JCI)
Kansas City Municipal Arpt (MKC)
General Mitchell Intl Arpt (MKE)
Muskegon Cty Intl (MKG)
Molokai Arpt (MKK)
McKellar Fld (MKL)
Davis Field (MKO)
Mankato Municipal Arpt (MKT)
Melbourne Regional (MLB)
McAlester Municipal Arpt (MLC)
Quad City Arpt (MLI)
Miles City Municipal Arpt (MLS)
Millinocket Arpt (MLT)
Monroe Regional (MLU)
Mammoth Lakes Municipal (MMH)
McMinn County Arpt (MMI)
Marshall Municipal (MML)
Morristown Arpt (MMU)
Menominee County (MNM)
Manassas Arpt (MNZ)
Shannon Airport (EZF)
Mobile Municipal (MOB)
Harry Sham Fld (MOD)
Mt Pleasant Municipal (MOP)
Minot Intl (MOT)
Mountain Village Arpt (MOU)
McPherson Arpt (MPR)
E F Knapp Arpt (MPV)
Sawyer Intl Airport (MQT)
Smyrna Arpt (MQY)
Martinsburgh Regional Arpt (MRB)
Maury Country Arpt (MRC)
Monterey Peninsula (MRY)
Falcon Field (MSC)
Muscle Shoals Arpt (MSL)
Dane County Regional (MSN)
Missoula Intl (MSO)
Crystal Arpt (MIC)
Flying Cloud Arpt (FCM)
Minneapolis St Paul Intl (MSP)
Richards Field (MSS)
Catskills Sulivan (MSV)
Louis Armstrong Intl Arpt (MSY)
New Lakefront Arpt (NEW)
Marathon Arpt (MTH)
Montrose County (MTJ)
Coles County (MTO)
Sky Portal Arpt (MTP)
Manitowoc Municipal Arpt (MTW)
Waimea Arpt (MUE)
Mountain Home AFB (MUO)
Monroe County Arpt (MVC)
Mt Vernon Outland Arpt (MVN)
Dukes County (MVY)
Williamson County (MWA)
Grant County (MWH)
Hook Field (MWO)
San Juan County Arpt (MXC)
McCarthy Arpt (MXY)
Mccall Arpt (MYL)
Myrtle Beach Jetway (MYR)
Grand Strand Arpt (CRE)
George Town Arpt (GGE)
Yuba County Arpt (MYV)
Fallon Municipal Arpt (FLX)
Naval Air Station (NHZ)
Nas Reeves Field (NLC)
Novato Arpt (NOT)
Newport State Arpt (NPT)
Naval Air Station Arpt (NQI)
Whiting Field Nas (NSE)
Nulato Arpt (NUL)
Moffett Field (NUQ)
John F Kennedy Intl (JFK)
La Guardia (LGA)
Albert J Ellis (OAJ)
Metro Oakland Intl Arpt (OAK)
Okeechobee County Arpt (OBE)
Ocean Reef Arpt (OCA)
Ocean City Airport (OCE)
Taylor Field Arpt (OCF)
Oceanside Municipal Arpt (OCN)
Oak Harbour Municipal (ODW)
Oneal Arpt (OEA)
Karl Stefan Fld (OFK)
Searle Field (OGA)
Ogden Municipal (OGD)
Kahului Airport (OGG)
Ogdensburg Municipal (OGS)
Wiley Post Arpt (PWA)
Downtown Airpark (DWN)
Will Rogers World Arpt (OKC)
Kokomo Municipal (OKK)
Olympia Arpt (OLM)
International Arpt (OLS)
Columbus Arpt (OLU)
Millard Airport (MIQ)
Eppley Airfield (OMA)
Nome Arpt (OME)
Oneonta Municpal (ONH)
Socorro Municipal Arpt (ONM)
Newport Municipal Arpt (ONP)
Ontario Intl (ONT)
Norfolk Intl Arpt (ORF)
Worcester Arpt (ORH)
Herndon Arpt (ORL)
Orlando Intl Arpt (MCO)
Wittman Field (OSH)
Worthington Arpt (OTG)
North Bend Municipal (OTH)
Industrial Arpt (OTM)
Ancortes Arpt (OTS)
Ralph Wien Memorial (OTZ)
Owatonna Arpt (OWA)
Daviess County Arpt (OWB)
Norwood Ma Arpt (OWD)
Waterbury Oxford Arpt (OXC)
Oxnard Ventura Arpt (OXR)
Snohomish Cty Arpt (PAE)
Barkley Regional (PAH)
Palo Alto Arpt (PAO)
Pine Bluff Arpt (PBF)
Plattsburgh Intl Arpt (PBG)
Palm Beach County Arpt (LNA)
Palm Beach Intl Arpt (PBI)
Prairie Du Chien Municipal Arpt (PCD)
Princeton Arpt (PCT)
Pendleton Municipal (PDT)
Portland Intl Arpt (PDX)
Northwest Florida Beaches Intl Arpt (ECP)
Bay County Arpt (PFN)
Page Airport (PGA)
Charlotte County (PGD)
Jackson Cnty (PGL)
Stevens Field Arpt (PGO)
Pitt Greenville Arpt (PGV)
Williamsburg Intl Arpt (PHF)
N Philadelphia (PNE)
Philadelphia Intl Arpt (PHL)
St Clair County Intl Arpt (PHN)
Henry County Arpt (PHT)
Sky Harbor Intl Arpt (PHX)
Williams Gateway Arpt (AZA)
Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT)
Greater Peoria Arpt (PIA)
Pocatello Municipal Arpt (PIH)
Pierre Municipal (PIR)
Allegheny Cty Arpt (AGC)
Pittsburgh Intl Arpt (PIT)
Dew Station Arpt (PIZ)
Payson Arpt (PJB)
Wood County (PKB)
Park Rapids Municipal Arpt (PKD)
M Graham Clark Arpt (PLK)
Emmet Cty Arpt (PLN)
Plymouth Municipal Arpt (PLY)
La Palmdale Regional Arpt (PMD)
Ponca City Municipal Arpt (PNC)
Pensacola Regional Municipal (PNS)
Grayson County Arpt (PNX)
Brackett Field (POC)
Fort Polk Arpt (POE)
Earl Fields Memorial (POF)
Dutchess County (POU)
Pompano Beach Arpt (PPM)
Northern Maine Regional (PQI)
Paso Robles Cty (PRB)
Prescott Municipal (PRC)
Paris Cox Field Arpt (PRX)
Midstate Arpt (PSB)
Tri Cities Arpt (PSC)
Mercedita Arpt (PSE)
Pittsfield Municipal (PSF)
Petersburg Municipal (PSG)
New River Valley Arpt (PSK)
Portsmouth Pease Intl Arpt (PSM)
Palm Springs Municipal (PSP)
Petersburg Municipal Arpt (PTB)
Oakland Pontiac Arpt (PTK)
Atkinson Municipal Arpt (PTS)
Pottstown Limerick (PTW)
Pueblo Arpt (PUB)
Las Animas Arpt (TAD)
Carbon Cty Municipal Arpt (PUC)
Pullman Moscow Arpt (PUW)
Provincetown Municipal (PVC)
T F Green St Arpt (PVD)
Placerville Arpt (PVF)
Provo Arpt (PVU)
Hale County Arpt (PVW)
Casement Arpt (PVZ)
Portland Intl Jetport (PWM)
Bremerton Municipal (PWT)
Plymouth Arpt (PYM)
Copper Mountain Van Service (QCE)
Breckenridge Van Service (QKB)
Horlick Arpt (RAC)
Riverside Municipal (RAL)
Rapid City Regional Arpt (RAP)
Big Bear City Arpt (RBF)
Roseburg Municipal (RBG)
Walterboro Municipal Arpt (RBW)
Roche Harbor Arpt (RCE)
Redding Municipal Arpt (RDD)
Flight Service Station (RBL)
Reading Municipal (RDG)
Roberts Field (RDM)
Raleigh Durham Intl Arpt (RDU)
Peoria Rockford Bus Terminal (ZRF)
Van Galder Bus Terminal (ZRK)
Ranger Municipal Arpt (RGR)
Oneida County (RHI)
Richmond Intl Arpt (RIC)
Reynolds Municipal Arpt (RIF)
Garfield Cty Arpt (RIL)
Riverton Municipal (RIW)
Yreka Arpt (RKC)
Rockland Arpt (RKD)
Rock Hill York County Arpt (RKH)
Aransas County Arpt (RKP)
Rock Springs Municipal (RKS)
National Arpt (RLA)
Richland Arpt (RLD)
Griffiss Air Force Base (RME)
Richard B Russell Arpt (RMG)
New Richmond Municipal (RNH)
Reno Tahoe Intl Arpt (RNO)
Renton Arpt (RNT)
Roanoke Regional Arpt (ROA)
Monroe Cty Arpt New York (ROC)
Rogers Arpt (ROG)
Industrial Aircenter (ROW)
Russian Seaplane Base (RSH)
Ruston Regional Arpt (RSN)
Rochester Municipal (RST)
Crews Fld (RTN)
Ruidoso Municipal Arpt (RUI)
Rutland Arpt (RUT)
Green River Arpt (RVR)
Wilson Arpt (RWI)
Rawlins Municipal (RWL)
Halifax Cty Arpt (RZZ)
Sacramento International (SMF)
Mather Air Force Base (MHR)
Sacramento Executive Arpt (SAC)
Santa Fe Municipal (SAF)
Brown Field Municipal (SDM)
Montgomery Field (MYF)
Gillespie Field (SEE)
Lindbergh Intl Arpt (SAN)
Sparta Community Airport (SAR)
Stinson Municipal Arpt (SSF)
San Antonio Intl (SAT)
Savannah Intl Arpt (SAV)
Santa Barbara Arpt (SBA)
Sheboygan Arpt (SBM)
Michiana Regional Arpt (SBN)
Steamboat Arpt (SBS)
San Bernardino Intl Arpt (SBD)
Wicomico Regional Arpt (SBY)
Prudhoe Bay Deadhorse Arpt (SCC)
University Park Arpt (SCE)
Scottsdale Municipal Arpt (SCF)
Schenectady County Arpt (SCH)
Stockton Metro Arpt (SCK)
Bowman Field Arpt (LOU)
Louisville International Arpt (SDF)
Sand Point Arpt (SDP)
Sedona Arpt (SDX)
Sindey Richland Municipal Arpt (SDY)
Seattle Tacoma Intl Arpt (SEA)
Seattle Boeing Field (BFI)
Kenmore Air Harbor (KEH)
Lake Union Seaplane Base (LKE)
Air Terminal Arpt (SEF)
Clark Field (SEP)
Orlando Sanford Arpt (SFB)
Sanford Regional Arpt (SFM)
San Francisco Intl Arpt (SFO)
Westover Metro (CEF)
Smithfield Arpt (SFZ)
Springfield Branson Regional Arpt (SGF)
Hull Field Arpt (SGR)
Stuttgart Municipal (SGT)
Saint George Municipal Arpt (SGU)
Skagway Municipal Arpt (SGY)
Shenandoah Valley Arpt (SHD)
Sheridan Cty Arpt (SHR)
Shreveport Regional Arpt (SHV)
Barksdale Air Force Base (BAD)
SIG Isla Grande Arpt (SIG)
Sitka Airport (SIT)
San Jose Intl Arpt (SJC)
Santa Clara Bus Service (ZSM)
San Jose Bus Service (ZJO)
Reid Hillview Of Santa Clara County (RHV)
St John Island Arpt (SJF)
Mathis Field (SJT)
Luiz Munoz Marin Intl (SJU)
Griffing Sandusky Arpt (SKY)
Salt Lake City Intl Arpt (SLC)
McNary Field (SLE)
Adirondack Arpt (SLK)
Salina Municipal (SLN)
Salida Arpt (SLT)
Pulaski County Arpt (SME)
Santa Maria Public Arpt (SMX)
Lompoc Arpt (LPC)
John Wayne Arpt (SNA)
Shawnee Airport (SNL)
Salinas Arpt (SNS)
Sidney Municipal (SNY)
Pinehurst Arpt (SOP)
Seldovia Arpt (SOV)
Show Low Arpt (SOW)
Black Hills Clyde Ice Field (SPF)
Whitted Arpt (SPG)
Capital Airport (SPI)
Wichita Falls Municipal Arpt (SPS)
Spencer Municipal (SPW)
Springdale Municipal Arpt (SPZ)
Santa Ynez Arpt (SQA)
Whiteside Cty Municipal (SQI)
San Carlos Arpt (SQL)
Sarasota Bradenton Arpt (SRQ)
Skypark Arpt (SRU)
McKinnon Arpt (SSI)
Chippewa Cnty Intl (CIU)
Saint Cloud Municipal (STC)
Stevens Point Municipal (STE)
Rosecrans Memorial Arpt (STJ)
Spirit Of St Louis Arpt (SUS)
East St Louis (CPS)
Lambert St Louis Intl (STL)
Downtown St Paul Arpt (STP)
Sonoma Cty Arpt (STS)
Cyril E King Arpt (STT)
Alexander Hamilton Arpt (STX)
Witham Field (SUA)
Door Country Arpt (SUE)
Sumter Municipal Arpt (SUM)
Friedman Memorial (SUN)
Travis AFB (SUU)
Richard I Bong Arpt (SUW)
Sioux Gateway Arpt (SUX)
Grant County Airport (SVC)
Statesville Municipal Arpt (SVH)
Seward Airport (SWD)
Stewart Airport (SWF)
Searcy Fld (SWO)
Hancock Intl (SYR)
Santa Paula Arpt (SZP)
Ralph Calhoun Arpt (TAL)
Forney Field (TBN)
Van De Graff Arpt (TCL)
Teterboro Arpt (TEB)
Telluride Municipal Arpt (TEX)
Northern Arpt (THA)
Hot Springs (THP)
York Arpt (THV)
Tacoma Industrial Arpt (TIW)
Space Center Executive Arpt (TIX)
Truckee Arpt (TKF)
Tok Arpt (TKJ)
Tallahassee Municipal (TLH)
Mefford Field (TLR)
Henry Tift Myers Arpt (TMA)
Municipal Newton Arpt (TNU)
Togiak Village Arpt (TOG)
Toledo Express Arpt (TOL)
Phillip Billard Arpt (TOP)
Forbes Field (FOE)
Torrington Minicipal Arpt (TOR)
Tampa Intl (TPA)
Peter O Knight Arpt (TPF)
St Petersburg Clearwater Arpt (PIE)
Tonopah Arpt (TPH)
Temple Arpt (TPL)
Tri City Regional Arpt (TRI)
Terrell Field Arpt (TRL)
Taos Airport (TSM)
Troutdale Arpt (TTD)
Trenton Mercer Arpt (TTN)
Trenton Airport (TRX)
Tulsa Intl (TUL)
C D Lemons Municipal Arpt (TUP)
Tucson Intl Arpt (TUS)
Cherry Capital Arpt (TVC)
Thief River Falls Numicipal (TVF)
Lake Tahoe Arpt (TVL)
Twin Hills Arpt (TWA)
Twin Falls City County Arpt (TWF)
Texarkana Municipal (TXK)
Pounds Field (TYR)
McGhee Tyson Arpt (TYS)
Lowndes Cty Arpt (UBS)
Golden Arpt (GTR)
Oneida County Arpt (UCA)
Bermuda Dunes Arpt (UDD)
Memorial Arpt (UGN)
Baldwin Field (UIN)
Ukiah Arpt (UKI)
Upper Bucks Arpt (UKT)
New Ulm Arpt (ULM)
Unalakleet Arpt (UNK)
University Oxford (UOX)
St Augustine Arpt (UST)
Garner Field (UVA)
Victoria Regional Arpt (VCT)
George AFB (VCV)
Vidalia Municipal Arpt (VDI)
Valdez Municipal Arpt (VDZ)
Vernal Municipal (VEL)
Culberson Cty Arpt (VHN)
Visalia Municipal (VIS)
Virginia Highlands Arpt (VJI)
Vicksburg Arpt (VKS)
Valdosta Regional (VLD)
Stolport Arpt (VLO)
Venice Municipal Airport (VNC)
Ft Walton Beach Arpt (VPS)
Duke Field (EGI)
Porter County (VPZ)
Vieques Arpt (VQS)
Vero Beach Municipal Arpt (VRB)
Illinois Valley Regional Arpt (VYS)
Wallops Flight Facility (WAL)
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD)
Green County Airport (WAY)
Boulder Municipal Arpt (WBU)
Woodring Municipal (WDG)
Parker County Airport (WEA)
Winchester Airport (WGO)
Williams J Fox Arpt (WJF)
Quartz Hill Airport (RZH)
Arkansas City Arpt (WLD)
Selawik Arpt (WLK)
Winnemucca Municipal Airport (WMC)
Mountain Home Airport (WMH)
Worland Municipal Airport (WRL)
Westerly Municipal Airport (WST)
Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI)
Waterville Robert LaFleur Airport (WVL)
Cape May Arpt (WWD)
West Woodward Airport (WWR)
Newtok Airport (WWT)
West Yellowstone Arpt (WYS)
Yakutat Arpt (YAK)
Yakima Air Terminal (YKM)
Chan Gurney Municipal (YKN)
Youngstown Municipal (YNG)
Yuma International Airport (YUM)
Zanesville Arpt (ZZV)
Select Destination
Ainsworth Minicipal Arpt (ANW)
Lee Annapolis Arpt (ANP)
Aniak Arpt (ANI)
Anderson Arpt (AND)
Anchorage Intl Arpt (ANC)
Anniston Municipal Arpt (ANB)
Anaheim Arpt (ANA)
Ames Minicipal Arpt (AMW)
Amarillo Intl Arpt (AMA)
Tradewind Airport (TDW)
Thomas C Russell Field (ALX)
Walla Walla City County (ALW)
Alamosa Municipal (ALS)
Livingston Betsworth Fld (ALO)
Alamogordo Municipal (ALM)
Alpine Aprt (ALE)
Albany Cty Arpt (ALB)
King Salmon Arpt (AKN)
Lee C Fine Memorial (AIZ)
Pomona Field (ACY)
Bader Field (AIY)
Wainwright Municipal Arpt (AIN)
Aiken Municipal Arpt (AIK)
Anderson Municipal Arpt (AID)
Alliance Municipal (AIA)
Athens Municipal (AHN)
Bush Field (AGS)
Daniel Airport (DNL)
Magnolia Municipal (AGO)
Angoon Arpt (AGN)
Esler Field (ESF)
Alexandria Intl Arpt (AEX)
Albert Lea Arpt (AEL)
Andrews Air Force Base (ADW)
Ada Municipal Arpt (ADT)
Kodiak Arpt (ADQ)
Kodiak Municipal (KDK)
Ardmore Municipal Arpt (ADM)
Adak Island Ns (ADK)
Lenawee County Arpt (ADG)
Arcata Eureka Arpt (ACV)
Madison Cooper Arpt (ACT)
Nantucket Memorial (ACK)
Dougherty Cty Arpt (ABY)
Aberdeen Arpt (ABR)
Albuquerque Intl Arpt (ABQ)
Ambler Arpt (ABL)
Abilene Municipal Arpt (ABI)
Lehigh Valley Intl Arpt (ABE)
Apalachicola Municipal Arpt (AAF)
Allen County Arpt (AOH)
Blair Cty Arpt (AOO)
Napa Cty Arpt (APC)
Naples Municipal (APF)
Phelps Collins Arpt (APN)
Ann Arbor Municipal (ARB)
Watertown Arpt (ART)
Noble F Lee Memorial Field (ARV)
Pitkin Cty Arptt Sardy Fld (ASE)
Boire Field Arpt (ASH)
Harrison County Arpt (ASL)
Talladega Arpt (ASN)
Astoria Arpt (AST)
Dekalb Peachtree (PDK)
Fulton Cty Arpt (FTY)
Hartsfield Jackson Intl Arpt (ATL)
Ohio University Arpt (ATO)
Outagamie Cty Arpt (ATW)
Watertown Municipal (ATY)
Maine State Arpt (AUG)
Auburn Opelika (AUO)
Bergstrom Intl Arpt (AUS)
Wausau Municipal Arpt (AUW)
Central Wisconsin Arpt (CWA)
Aurora Municipal Arpt (AUZ)
Asheville Municipal Arpt (AVL)
Wilkes Barre Scranton Intl Arpt (AVP)
Catalina Arpt (SXC)
Neil Armstrong Arpt (AXV)
Ware County Arpt (AYS)
Kalamazoo Cty Arpt (AZO)
Broken Bow Municipal (BBW)
Virginia Tech Arpt (BCB)
Bryce Arpt (BCE)
Sikorsky Memorial Arpt (BDR)
Bedford Arpt (BED)
Ross Field (BEH)
Bethel Airport (BET)
Bradford Regional Arpt (BFD)
Scottsbluff Municipal (BFF)
Bullfrog Basin Arpt (BFG)
Meadows Field (BFL)
Beaver Falls Arpt (BFP)
Virgil I Grissom Municipal (BFR)
Beaufort County Arpt (BFT)
Edwin A Link Field (BGM)
Bangor Intl Arpt (BGR)
Hancock County (BHB)
Birmingham International Arpt (BHM)
Block Island Municipal (BID)
Bishop Airport (BIH)
Logan Field (BIL)
Bismarck Municipal Arpt (BIS)
Jeffco Arpt (BJC)
Bemidji Municipal Arpt (BJI)
Branson Regional Arpt (BKG)
Raleigh Cty Memorial (BKW)
Brookings Municipal (BKX)
Mercer County (BLF)
Blythe Airport (BLH)
Bellingham Intl Arpt (BLI)
Scott AFB Mid America (BLV)
Monroe Cty Arpt Indiana (BMG)
Normal Airport (BMI)
Nashville International Arpt (BNA)
Burns Municipal Arpt (BNO)
Boise Municipal Arpt Gowen Field (BOI)
Brookings State Arpt (BOK)
Logan Intl Arpt (BOS)
Bartow Arpt (BOW)
Jefferson Cty Arpt (BPT)
Gylnco Jet Port (BQK)
Borinquen Municipal Arpt (BQN)
Crowwing Cty Arpt (BRD)
Burlington Municipal Arpt (BRL)
South Padre Island Intl Arpt (BRO)
Barrow WBAS (BRW)
Blairsville Arpt (BSI)
Bisbee Municipal Arpt (BSQ)
WK Kellogg Regional (BTL)
Bert Mooney Arpt (BTM)
Baton Rouge Downtown Arpt (EBR)
Ryan Airport (BTR)
Bettles Arpt (BTT)
Burlington Intl Arpt (BTV)
Greater Buffalo Intl Arpt (BUF)
Burbank Glendale Pasadena Arpt (BUR)
Bartlesville Municipal Arpt (BVO)
Batesville Municipal (BVX)
Beverly Municipal Arpt (BVY)
Brawley Arpt (BWC)
Brownwood Municipal Arpt (BWD)
Warren Cty Arpt (BWG)
Baltimore Washington Intl Arpt (BWI)
Phillips Army Air Field (APG)
Borrego Valley Arpt (BXS)
Burley Arpt (BYI)
Blakely Is Municipal (BYW)
Gallatin Field (BZN)
Brazoria County Arpt (BZT)
Wexford County Arpt (CAD)
Orangeburg Municpal (OGB)
Columbia Metro Arpt (CAE)
Akron Canton Regional Arpt (CAK)
Caribou Municipal Arpt (CAR)
Cumberland Municipal Arpt (CBE)
Council Bluffs Municipal Arpt (CBF)
Colby Municipal Arpt (CBK)
Buchanan Field (CCR)
Cedar City Municipal (CDC)
Harrell Fieldsandro Arpt (CDH)
Chadron Arpt (CDR)
Mudhole Smith Arpt (CDV)
Caldwell Wright Arpt (CDW)
Crescent City Municipal Arpt (CEC)
Clemson Oconee Cty Arpt (CEU)
Calloway Cty Arpt (CEY)
Montezuma County (CEZ)
Craig Seaplane Base (CGA)
Cape Girardeau Municipal Arpt (CGI)
Chattanooga Lovell Fld (CHA)
Williams AFB Airport (CHD)
Pal Waukee Arpt (PWK)
Chicago Rockford Arpt (RFD)
Dupage County Arpt (DPA)
O'Hare Intl Arpt (ORD)
Midway (MDW)
Charlottesville Albemarle Arpt (CHO)
Charleston Intl Arpt (CHS)
Chico Municipal Arpt (CIC)
Cedar Rapids Municipal Arpt (CID)
Craig Moffat (CIG)
Melsing Creek Arpt (CIL)
El Cajon Arpt (CJN)
Clarksburg Benedum Arpt (CKB)
Fletcher Field (CKM)
Outlaw Field (CKV)
Metroport (CLC)
Carlsbad Arpt (CLD)
Cuyahoga County Airport (CGF)
Hopkins Intl Arpt (CLE)
Burke Lakefront Arpt (BKL)
Easterwood Field (CLL)
William Fairchild Intl Arpt (CLM)
Charlotte Douglas Intl Arpt (CLT)
Columbus Municipal Arpt (CLU)
Clearwater Executive Airpark (CLW)
Ohio State Univ Arpt (OSU)
Rickenbacker Intl Arpt (LCK)
Port Columbus Intl Arpt (CMH)
Univ Of Illinois Willard Arpt (CMI)
Houghton Cty Memorial Arpt (CMX)
Camp Mccoy Aaf (CMY)
Carlsbad Airport (CNM)
Moab Municipal (CNY)
Yellowstone Regional Arpt (COD)
Coeur d Alene Municipal Arpt (COE)
Patrick AFB (COF)
Merrit Island Arpt (COI)
Concord Arpt (CON)
Colorado Springs Municipal Arpt (COS)
Columbia Regional (COU)
Natrona Cty Intl Arpt (CPR)
Culebra Arpt (CPX)
Corpus Christi Intl Arpt (CRP)
Yeager Arpt (CRW)
Roscoe Turner Arpt (CRX)
Columbus Metro Ft Benning Arpt (CSG)
San Luis Obispo County Arpt (SBP)
O Sullivan Army Air Field (CSL)
Clinton Municipal Arpt (CLK)
Sherman Arpt (CSM)
Carson Arpt (CSN)
Cottonwood Airport (CTW)
Columbus Municipal (CUS)
Cincinnati Municipal Arpt (LUK)
Cincinnati No Kentucky Intl Arpt (CVG)
Clovis Airport (CVN)
Albany Bus Service (QWY)
Corvallis Municipal Arpt (CVO)
Clinton Municipal (CWI)
Calexico Intl Arpt (CXL)
Montgomery Co Arpt (CXO)
Cheyenne Arpt (CYS)
Daytona Beach Regional Arpt (DAB)
Danville Municipal (DAN)
Dayton International Airport (DAY)
Dublin Municipal Arpt (DBN)
Dubuque Municipal Arpt (DBQ)
Pyor Arpt (DCU)
Dodge City Municipal Arpt (DDC)
Decatur Municipal (DEC)
Decorah Municipal (DEH)
Centennial Arpt (APA)
Denver Intl Arpt (DEN)
Longmont Bus Service (QWM)
Defiance Memorial Arpt (DFI)
Fort Worth Alliance Arpt (AFW)
Dallas Ft Worth Intl (DFW)
Addison Arpt (ADS)
Love Field (DAL)
Dothan Municipal (DHN)
Dickinson Municipal (DIK)
Dillingham Municipal Arpt (DLG)
Duluth Intl (DLH)
Dillon Arpt (DLL)
The Dalles Municipal Arpt (DLS)
Sedalia Memorial Arpt (DMO)
Vermillion Cty (DNV)
Delaware Airpark (DVX)
Dover AFB (DOV)
Durango La Plata Cty Arpt (DRO)
Animas Airpark (AMK)
International Del Rio (DRT)
Destin Arpt (DSI)
Des Moines Municipal Airport (DSM)
Berz Macomb Arpt (UIZ)
Willow Run Arpt (YIP)
Selfridge Air Natl Guard (MTC)
Detroit City Apt (DET)
Detroit Metro Wayne Cnty Arpt (DTW)
Halliburton Arpt (DUC)
Bisbee Douglas Intl (DUG)
Dubois Jefferson Cty Arpt (DUJ)
Emergency Field (DUT)
Devils Lake Arpt (DVL)
Davenport Airport (DVN)
Danbury Municipal Arpt (DXR)
Doylestown Arpt (DYL)
Eagle Airport (EAA)
Kearney Municipal Arrpt (EAR)
Pangborn Memorial Fld (EAT)
Claire Municipal Airport (EAU)
Elizabeth Municipal Cgas (ECG)
Edenton Municipal Arpt (EDE)
Needles Arpt (EED)
Dilliant Hopkins Arpt (EEN)
Beaver Creek Van Service (ZBV)
Vail Van Service (QBF)
Eagle County Arpt (EGE)
Maverick County Arpt (EGP)
Eagle River Union Arpt (EGV)
Rentschler Arpt (EHT)
Elkhart Municipal Arpt (EKI)
Randolph County Arpt (EKN)
J C Harris Field (EKO)
Addington Field (EKX)
Goodwin Field (ELD)
Elk City Municipal (ELK)
Elmira Corning Regional Arpt (ELM)
El Paso Intl Arpt (ELP)
Biggs Army Air Field (BIF)
Yelland Field (ELY)
El Monte Arpt (EMT)
Kenai Municipal Arpt (ENA)
Centralia Municipal Arpt (ENL)
Kenosha Municipal Arpt (ENW)
Keokuk Arpt (EOK)
Erie Intl (ERI)
Kerrville Arpt (ERV)
Delta County (ESC)
Eastsound Orcas Is Arpt (ESD)
Easton Municipal Arpt (ESN)
Birchwood Pocono Arpt (ESP)
West Bend Arpt (ETB)
Enterprise Municipal (ETS)
Weedon Field (EUF)
Eugene Arpt (EUG)
Eveleth Virginia Municipal Arpt (EVM)
Evansville Regional Arpt (EVV)
Evanston Arpt (EVW)
New Bedford Municipal (EWB)
Newton City County Arpt (EWK)
Craven County Regional Arpt (EWN)
Newark Liberty Intl Arpt (EWR)
Excursion Inlet Municipal (EXI)
Key West Intl (EYW)
Fairbanks Intl Arpt (FAI)
Fajardo Arpt (FAJ)
Hector Airport (FAR)
Fresno Air Terminal (FAT)
Fresno Chandler Arpt (FCH)
Fayetteville Municipal (FAY)
Glacier Park Intl (FCA)
Forrest City Municipal Arpt (FCY)
Frederick Municipal (FDK)
Fergus Falls Municipal (FFM)
Sierra Vista Municipal (FHU)
Chess Lamberton Arpt (FKL)
Flagstaff Arpt (FLG)
Ft Lauderdale Excutive (FXE)
Ft Lauderdale Hollywood Intl Arpt (FLL)
Boca Raton Public (BCT)
Gilbert Field (FLO)
Flippin Arpt (FLP)
Otis AFB (FMH)
Four Corners Regional Arpt (FMN)
Fort Madison Municipal (FMS)
Regional Southwest Arpt (RSW)
Fort Collins Bus Service (QWF)
Municipal Airport (FNL)
Loveland Bus Service (QWH)
Bishop Intl Arpt (FNT)
Fort Bragg Arpt (FOB)
Ft Dodge Municipal (FOD)
Suffolk County Arpt (FOK)
St Lucie County Arpt (FPR)
Friday Harbor Airport (FRD)
Republic Arpt (FRG)
French Lick Municipal Arpt (FRH)
Fairmont Municipal (FRM)
Warren County Arpt (FRR)
Regional Joe Foss Field (FSD)
Ft Smith Municipal (FSM)
Pecos County Arpt (FST)
Meacham Field (FTW)
Fullerton Municipal Arpt (FUL)
Baer Field (FWA)
Fayetteville Municipal Arpt (FYV)
Northwest Arkansas Regional Arpt (XNA)
Gadsden Municipal (GAD)
Montgomery Cty Arpt (GAI)
Galena Arpt (GAL)
Greate Bend Municipal (GBD)
Galesburg Arpt (GBG)
Great Barrington Arpt (GBR)
Campbell Cty Arpt (GCC)
Garden City Municipal (GCK)
Grand Canyon Natl Park Arpt (GCN)
Municipal Greeneville Arpt (GCY)
Sussex County Arpt (GED)
Felts Field (SFF)
Spokane Intl Arpt (GEG)
Pope Field Arpt (GFD)
Grand Forks Mark Andrews Intl (GFK)
Warren County (GFL)
Greg County Arpt (GGG)
International Glasgow (GGW)
Gilbert Fld (GIF)
Walker Field Arpt (GJT)
Gatlinburg Arpt (GKT)
Goodland Municipal (GLD)
Gainesville Municipal Arpt (GLE)
Greenville Municipal (GLH)
Otsego Arpt (GLR)
Scholes Field (GLS)
Glasgow Municipal Arpt (GLW)
Grants Milan Municipal Arpt (GNT)
Gainesville Regional (GNV)
Groton New London Arpt (GON)
Biloxi Regional Arpt (GPT)
Itasca County (GPZ)
Galion Municipal Arpt (GQQ)
Austin Straubel Fld (GRB)
Hall Cty Regional (GRI)
Kent County Intl (GRR)
Seymour Johnson AFB (GSB)
Piedmont Triad Intl (GSO)
Downtown Memorial (SPA)
Greenville Spartanburg Arpt (GSP)
Greenville Downtown Arpt (GMU)
Gustavus Arpt (GST)
Great Falls Intl Arpt (GTF)
Gettysburg Arpt (GTY)
Gunnison Cty (GUC)
Edwards Arpt (GUF)
Gallup Municipal (GUP)
Guymon Municipal Arpt (GUY)
Leflore Arpt (GWO)
Glenwood Springs Arpt (GWS)
Weld County Regional Arpt (GXY)
Litchfield Goodyear Arpt (GYR)
Gary International Arpt (GYY)
Harrisburg Intl (MDT)
Bobby L Chain Municipal (HBG)
Hayden Arpt (HDN)
Natchez Adams Cty (HEZ)
Bradley Intl Arpt (BDL)
Brainard Arpt (HFD)
Washington Cty Regional (HGR)
Hilton Head Municipal (HHH)
Hawthorne Arpt (HHR)
Hibbing Chisolm Arpt (HIB)
Mt washington Regional Arpt (HIE)
Lake Havasu City Municipal Airport (HII)
Portland Hillsboro Arpt (HIO)
Blytheville Municipal Arpt (HKA)
Healy Lake Arpt (HKB)
Hickory Municipal (HKY)
Hillenbrand (HLB)
Park Township (HLM)
Helena Municipal (HLN)
Huntingburg Municipal (HNB)
Hoonah Municipal Arpt (HNH)
Hickam Air Force Base (HIK)
Honolulu Intl (HNL)
Hana Municipal (HNM)
Haines Municipal Arpt (HNS)
Lea County Arpt (HOB)
Homer Municipal Arpt (HOM)
Huron Municipal (HON)
Hopkinsville Christian Country Arpt (HOP)
Memorial Field (HOT)
George Bush Intercontinental (IAH)
West Houston (IWS)
Houston Hobby Arpt (HOU)
David Wayne Hooks Arpt (DWH)
Ellington Field (EFD)
Westchester County Arpt (HPN)
Princeville Arpt (HPV)
Baytown Arpt (HPY)
Rio Grande Valley Intl Arpt (HRL)
Boone County Arpt (HRO)
Hastings Municipal (HSI)
Huslia Arpt (HSL)
Ingalls Field (HSP)
Homestead Municipal (HST)
Huntsville Intl Arpt (HSV)
East Hampton Arpt (HTO)
Tri State Milton Arpt (HTS)
Portsmith Regional (PMH)
Huntsville Arpt (HTV)
Humacao Arpt (HUC)
Hulman Field (HUF)
Houlton International (HUL)
Terrebonne Arpt (HUM)
Hughes Municipal Arpt (HUS)
Hutchinson Municipal (HUT)
Intermediate Arpt (HVE)
Tweed New Haven Arpt (HVN)
City County (HVR)
Hayward Air Terminal (HWD)
Barnstable Cty Arpt (HYA)
Hayward Municipal (HYR)
Hays Municipal (HYS)
Niagara Falls Intl Arpt (IAG)
Mid Continent Arpt (ICT)
Fanning Field (IDA)
Indiana County Arpt (IDI)
Laughlin Bullhead Intl Arpt (IFP)
Mohave County (IGM)
Jacksonville Municipal Arpt (IJX)
Greater Kankakee Arpt (IKK)
Gray AAF (GRK)
Killeen Municipal (ILE)
Greater Wilmington New Castle (ILG)
New Hanover Cty Arpt (ILM)
Ford Arpt (IMT)
Indianapolis Intl Arpt (IND)
Intl Falls Arpt (INL)
Smith Reynolds Arpt (INT)
Winslow Municipal (INW)
Iowa City Municipal Airport (IOW)
Imperial County (IPL)
Williamsport Lycoming Municipal (IPT)
Kirksville Municipal (IRK)
Kirsch Municipal (IRS)
Kissimmee Municipal Arpt (ISM)
Sloulin Field Intl Arpt (ISN)
East Reg Jetport Stallings (ISO)
Long Island Macarthur Arpt (ISP)
Schoolcraft County Arpt (ISQ)
Wiscasset Arpt (ISS)
Alexander Field (ISW)
Tomkins County (ITH)
Hilo Hawaii Intl (ITO)
Ironwood Arpt (IWD)
Kern Cty Airport (IYK)
Jackson Hole Arpt (JAC)
Hawkins Field (HKS)
Jackson Evers Intl Arpt (JAN)
Jacksonville Intl Arpt (JAX)
Jacksonville Nas (NIP)
Cecil Field Nas (NZC)
Craig Municipal Arpt (CRG)
Jonesboro Municipal (JBR)
Jefferson City Memorial (JEF)
Kapalua Arpt (JHM)
Chautauqua Cty Arpt (JHW)
Cherokee County Arpt (JKV)
Joplin Municipal Arpt (JLN)
Marin County Arpt (JMC)
Jamestown Arpt (JMS)
Juneau Arpt (JNU)
Joliet Park District Arpt (JOT)
Johnstown Cambria Arpt (JST)
Rock County Arpt (JVL)
Jackson Reynolds Municipal (JXN)
Kake Arpt (KAE)
Johnson Executive Arpt (OJC)
Fairfax Municipal Arpt (KCK)
Mesa Del Rey Arpt (KIC)
Kentland Arpt (KKT)
Kalskag Municipal Arpt (KLG)
Kelso Longview Regional Arpt (KLS)
Klawock Arpt (KLW)
Kennett Municipal Arpt (KNT)
Keahole Arpt (KOA)
King Of Prussia Arpt (KPD)
Ketchikan Intl Arpt (KTN)
Brevig Mission Arpt (KTS)
Port Largo Arpt (KYL)
Zachar Bay Sea Plane Base (KZB)
Lamar Arpt (LAA)
Lafayette Arpt (LAF)
Lakeland Arpt (LAL)
Los Alamos Municipal (LAM)
Lansing Arpt (LAN)
Lar Shively Arpt (SAA)
General Brees Fld (LAR)
Henderson Sky Harbor Arpt (HSH)
Las Vegas North Air Terminal (VGT)
McCarran Intl (LAS)
Boulder City Municipal Arpt (BLD)
Lawton Municipal (LAW)
Van Nuys Arpt (VNY)
Santa Monica Municipal Arpt (SMO)
Los Angeles Intl Arpt (LAX)
Lubbock Preston Smith Intl Arpt (LBB)
Westmorland County (LBE)
Lee Bird Field (LBF)
Liberal Municipal (LBL)
Lumberton Arpt (LBT)
Lake Charles Municipal (LCH)
Laconia Municipal Arpt (LCI)
Linden Municipal (LDJ)
Claremont Municipal (CNH)
Lebanon Regional (LEB)
Leesburg Municipal Arpt (LEE)
Auburn Lewiston Arpt (LEW)
Blue Grass Field (LEX)
Angelina Cty Arpt (LFK)
Lafayette Municipal (LFT)
Long Beach Municipal (LGB)
Calloway Arpt (LGC)
Logan Arpt (LGU)
Lihue Municipal (LIH)
Little Rock Regional (LIT)
Lake Jackson Arpt (LJN)
Burlington Country Arpt (LLY)
Louisville Winston County Arpt (LMS)
Kingsley Field (LMT)
Lincoln Municipal (LNK)
Lancaster Arpt (LNS)
Lanai Airport (LNY)
Corbin London Arpt (LOZ)
La Porte Arpt (LPO)
Lopez Island Arpt (LPS)
Laredo Intl (LRD)
Las Cruces Crawford Arpt (LRU)
La Crosse Municipal (LSE)
Los Banos Arpt (LSN)
Altus Municipal Arpt (AXS)
Hattiesburg Laurel Regional Arpt (PIB)
Hesler Noble Field (LUL)
Kalaupapa Municipal (LUP)
Bron Airport (LVK)
Mission Field (LVM)
Las Vegas Arpt (LVS)
Tucumcari Arpt (TCC)
Greenbrier Valley Arpt (LWB)
Lawrence Municipal (LWC)
Lawrence Arpt (LWM)
Lewiston Nez Pierce Arpt (LWS)
Lewistown Municipal (LWT)
Jim Kelley Field (LXN)
Lynchburg Municipal (LYH)
Ely Municipal Arpt (LYU)
Madera Municipal Arpt (MAE)
Midland Intl Arpt (MAF)
Eugenio M De Hostos Arpt (MAZ)
Manistee Arpt (MBL)
Saginaw Arpt (MBS)
Merced Municipal Arpt (MCE)
McCook Municipal (MCK)
Lewis B Wilson (MCN)
Mason City Municipal (MCW)
Southern Illinois Arpt (MDH)
Key Field (MEI)
West Memphis Municipal Arpt (AWM)
Memphis Naval Air Station (NQA)
Memphis Intl (MEM)
Dare County Regional Arpt (MEO)
Douglas County Arpt (MEV)
Mansfield Municipal (MFD)
Miller Intl (MFE)
Mesquite Arpt (MFH)
Marshfield Municipal Arpt (MFI)
Medford Jackson Cty (MFR)
Michigan City Arpt (MGC)
Dobbins Air Force Base (MGE)
Orange County Arpt (MGJ)
Dannelly Field (MGM)
Moultrie Arpt (MGR)
Morgantown Municipal (MGW)
Mitchell Municipal (MHE)
Manhattan Municipal Arpt (MHK)
Manchester Arpt (MHT)
Kern County Arpt (MHV)
Opa Locka Arpt (OPF)
Miami International Airport (MIA)
Miami Seaplane Base (MPB)
Tamiami Airport (TMB)
Johnson Field (MIE)
Millville Arpt (MIV)
Marshalltown Municipal (MIW)
Kansas City Intl (MCI)
Johnson Industrial Arpt (JCI)
Kansas City Municipal Arpt (MKC)
General Mitchell Intl Arpt (MKE)
Muskegon Cty Intl (MKG)
Molokai Arpt (MKK)
McKellar Fld (MKL)
Davis Field (MKO)
Mankato Municipal Arpt (MKT)
Melbourne Regional (MLB)
McAlester Municipal Arpt (MLC)
Quad City Arpt (MLI)
Miles City Municipal Arpt (MLS)
Millinocket Arpt (MLT)
Monroe Regional (MLU)
Mammoth Lakes Municipal (MMH)
McMinn County Arpt (MMI)
Marshall Municipal (MML)
Morristown Arpt (MMU)
Menominee County (MNM)
Manassas Arpt (MNZ)
Shannon Airport (EZF)
Mobile Municipal (MOB)
Harry Sham Fld (MOD)
Mt Pleasant Municipal (MOP)
Minot Intl (MOT)
Mountain Village Arpt (MOU)
McPherson Arpt (MPR)
E F Knapp Arpt (MPV)
Sawyer Intl Airport (MQT)
Smyrna Arpt (MQY)
Martinsburgh Regional Arpt (MRB)
Maury Country Arpt (MRC)
Monterey Peninsula (MRY)
Falcon Field (MSC)
Muscle Shoals Arpt (MSL)
Dane County Regional (MSN)
Missoula Intl (MSO)
Crystal Arpt (MIC)
Flying Cloud Arpt (FCM)
Minneapolis St Paul Intl (MSP)
Richards Field (MSS)
Catskills Sulivan (MSV)
Louis Armstrong Intl Arpt (MSY)
New Lakefront Arpt (NEW)
Marathon Arpt (MTH)
Montrose County (MTJ)
Coles County (MTO)
Sky Portal Arpt (MTP)
Manitowoc Municipal Arpt (MTW)
Waimea Arpt (MUE)
Mountain Home AFB (MUO)
Monroe County Arpt (MVC)
Mt Vernon Outland Arpt (MVN)
Dukes County (MVY)
Williamson County (MWA)
Grant County (MWH)
Hook Field (MWO)
San Juan County Arpt (MXC)
McCarthy Arpt (MXY)
Mccall Arpt (MYL)
Myrtle Beach Jetway (MYR)
Grand Strand Arpt (CRE)
George Town Arpt (GGE)
Yuba County Arpt (MYV)
Fallon Municipal Arpt (FLX)
Naval Air Station (NHZ)
Nas Reeves Field (NLC)
Novato Arpt (NOT)
Newport State Arpt (NPT)
Naval Air Station Arpt (NQI)
Whiting Field Nas (NSE)
Nulato Arpt (NUL)
Moffett Field (NUQ)
John F Kennedy Intl (JFK)
La Guardia (LGA)
Albert J Ellis (OAJ)
Metro Oakland Intl Arpt (OAK)
Okeechobee County Arpt (OBE)
Ocean Reef Arpt (OCA)
Ocean City Airport (OCE)
Taylor Field Arpt (OCF)
Oceanside Municipal Arpt (OCN)
Oak Harbour Municipal (ODW)
Oneal Arpt (OEA)
Karl Stefan Fld (OFK)
Searle Field (OGA)
Ogden Municipal (OGD)
Kahului Airport (OGG)
Ogdensburg Municipal (OGS)
Wiley Post Arpt (PWA)
Downtown Airpark (DWN)
Will Rogers World Arpt (OKC)
Kokomo Municipal (OKK)
Olympia Arpt (OLM)
International Arpt (OLS)
Columbus Arpt (OLU)
Millard Airport (MIQ)
Eppley Airfield (OMA)
Nome Arpt (OME)
Oneonta Municpal (ONH)
Socorro Municipal Arpt (ONM)
Newport Municipal Arpt (ONP)
Ontario Intl (ONT)
Norfolk Intl Arpt (ORF)
Worcester Arpt (ORH)
Herndon Arpt (ORL)
Orlando Intl Arpt (MCO)
Wittman Field (OSH)
Worthington Arpt (OTG)
North Bend Municipal (OTH)
Industrial Arpt (OTM)
Ancortes Arpt (OTS)
Ralph Wien Memorial (OTZ)
Owatonna Arpt (OWA)
Daviess County Arpt (OWB)
Norwood Ma Arpt (OWD)
Waterbury Oxford Arpt (OXC)
Oxnard Ventura Arpt (OXR)
Snohomish Cty Arpt (PAE)
Barkley Regional (PAH)
Palo Alto Arpt (PAO)
Pine Bluff Arpt (PBF)
Plattsburgh Intl Arpt (PBG)
Palm Beach County Arpt (LNA)
Palm Beach Intl Arpt (PBI)
Prairie Du Chien Municipal Arpt (PCD)
Princeton Arpt (PCT)
Pendleton Municipal (PDT)
Portland Intl Arpt (PDX)
Northwest Florida Beaches Intl Arpt (ECP)
Bay County Arpt (PFN)
Page Airport (PGA)
Charlotte County (PGD)
Jackson Cnty (PGL)
Stevens Field Arpt (PGO)
Pitt Greenville Arpt (PGV)
Williamsburg Intl Arpt (PHF)
N Philadelphia (PNE)
Philadelphia Intl Arpt (PHL)
St Clair County Intl Arpt (PHN)
Henry County Arpt (PHT)
Sky Harbor Intl Arpt (PHX)
Williams Gateway Arpt (AZA)
Phoenix Deer Valley Airport (DVT)
Greater Peoria Arpt (PIA)
Pocatello Municipal Arpt (PIH)
Pierre Municipal (PIR)
Allegheny Cty Arpt (AGC)
Pittsburgh Intl Arpt (PIT)
Dew Station Arpt (PIZ)
Payson Arpt (PJB)
Wood County (PKB)
Park Rapids Municipal Arpt (PKD)
M Graham Clark Arpt (PLK)
Emmet Cty Arpt (PLN)
Plymouth Municipal Arpt (PLY)
La Palmdale Regional Arpt (PMD)
Ponca City Municipal Arpt (PNC)
Pensacola Regional Municipal (PNS)
Grayson County Arpt (PNX)
Brackett Field (POC)
Fort Polk Arpt (POE)
Earl Fields Memorial (POF)
Dutchess County (POU)
Pompano Beach Arpt (PPM)
Northern Maine Regional (PQI)
Paso Robles Cty (PRB)
Prescott Municipal (PRC)
Paris Cox Field Arpt (PRX)
Midstate Arpt (PSB)
Tri Cities Arpt (PSC)
Mercedita Arpt (PSE)
Pittsfield Municipal (PSF)
Petersburg Municipal (PSG)
New River Valley Arpt (PSK)
Portsmouth Pease Intl Arpt (PSM)
Palm Springs Municipal (PSP)
Petersburg Municipal Arpt (PTB)
Oakland Pontiac Arpt (PTK)
Atkinson Municipal Arpt (PTS)
Pottstown Limerick (PTW)
Pueblo Arpt (PUB)
Las Animas Arpt (TAD)
Carbon Cty Municipal Arpt (PUC)
Pullman Moscow Arpt (PUW)
Provincetown Municipal (PVC)
T F Green St Arpt (PVD)
Placerville Arpt (PVF)
Provo Arpt (PVU)
Hale County Arpt (PVW)
Casement Arpt (PVZ)
Portland Intl Jetport (PWM)
Bremerton Municipal (PWT)
Plymouth Arpt (PYM)
Copper Mountain Van Service (QCE)
Breckenridge Van Service (QKB)
Horlick Arpt (RAC)
Riverside Municipal (RAL)
Rapid City Regional Arpt (RAP)
Big Bear City Arpt (RBF)
Roseburg Municipal (RBG)
Walterboro Municipal Arpt (RBW)
Roche Harbor Arpt (RCE)
Redding Municipal Arpt (RDD)
Flight Service Station (RBL)
Reading Municipal (RDG)
Roberts Field (RDM)
Raleigh Durham Intl Arpt (RDU)
Peoria Rockford Bus Terminal (ZRF)
Van Galder Bus Terminal (ZRK)
Ranger Municipal Arpt (RGR)
Oneida County (RHI)
Richmond Intl Arpt (RIC)
Reynolds Municipal Arpt (RIF)
Garfield Cty Arpt (RIL)
Riverton Municipal (RIW)
Yreka Arpt (RKC)
Rockland Arpt (RKD)
Rock Hill York County Arpt (RKH)
Aransas County Arpt (RKP)
Rock Springs Municipal (RKS)
National Arpt (RLA)
Richland Arpt (RLD)
Griffiss Air Force Base (RME)
Richard B Russell Arpt (RMG)
New Richmond Municipal (RNH)
Reno Tahoe Intl Arpt (RNO)
Renton Arpt (RNT)
Roanoke Regional Arpt (ROA)
Monroe Cty Arpt New York (ROC)
Rogers Arpt (ROG)
Industrial Aircenter (ROW)
Russian Seaplane Base (RSH)
Ruston Regional Arpt (RSN)
Rochester Municipal (RST)
Crews Fld (RTN)
Ruidoso Municipal Arpt (RUI)
Rutland Arpt (RUT)
Green River Arpt (RVR)
Wilson Arpt (RWI)
Rawlins Municipal (RWL)
Halifax Cty Arpt (RZZ)
Sacramento International (SMF)
Mather Air Force Base (MHR)
Sacramento Executive Arpt (SAC)
Santa Fe Municipal (SAF)
Brown Field Municipal (SDM)
Montgomery Field (MYF)
Gillespie Field (SEE)
Lindbergh Intl Arpt (SAN)
Sparta Community Airport (SAR)
Stinson Municipal Arpt (SSF)
San Antonio Intl (SAT)
Savannah Intl Arpt (SAV)
Santa Barbara Arpt (SBA)
Sheboygan Arpt (SBM)
Michiana Regional Arpt (SBN)
Steamboat Arpt (SBS)
San Bernardino Intl Arpt (SBD)
Wicomico Regional Arpt (SBY)
Prudhoe Bay Deadhorse Arpt (SCC)
University Park Arpt (SCE)
Scottsdale Municipal Arpt (SCF)
Schenectady County Arpt (SCH)
Stockton Metro Arpt (SCK)
Bowman Field Arpt (LOU)
Louisville International Arpt (SDF)
Sand Point Arpt (SDP)
Sedona Arpt (SDX)
Sindey Richland Municipal Arpt (SDY)
Seattle Tacoma Intl Arpt (SEA)
Seattle Boeing Field (BFI)
Kenmore Air Harbor (KEH)
Lake Union Seaplane Base (LKE)
Air Terminal Arpt (SEF)
Clark Field (SEP)
Orlando Sanford Arpt (SFB)
Sanford Regional Arpt (SFM)
San Francisco Intl Arpt (SFO)
Westover Metro (CEF)
Smithfield Arpt (SFZ)
Springfield Branson Regional Arpt (SGF)
Hull Field Arpt (SGR)
Stuttgart Municipal (SGT)
Saint George Municipal Arpt (SGU)
Skagway Municipal Arpt (SGY)
Shenandoah Valley Arpt (SHD)
Sheridan Cty Arpt (SHR)
Shreveport Regional Arpt (SHV)
Barksdale Air Force Base (BAD)
SIG Isla Grande Arpt (SIG)
Sitka Airport (SIT)
San Jose Intl Arpt (SJC)
Santa Clara Bus Service (ZSM)
San Jose Bus Service (ZJO)
Reid Hillview Of Santa Clara County (RHV)
St John Island Arpt (SJF)
Mathis Field (SJT)
Luiz Munoz Marin Intl (SJU)
Griffing Sandusky Arpt (SKY)
Salt Lake City Intl Arpt (SLC)
McNary Field (SLE)
Adirondack Arpt (SLK)
Salina Municipal (SLN)
Salida Arpt (SLT)
Pulaski County Arpt (SME)
Santa Maria Public Arpt (SMX)
Lompoc Arpt (LPC)
John Wayne Arpt (SNA)
Shawnee Airport (SNL)
Salinas Arpt (SNS)
Sidney Municipal (SNY)
Pinehurst Arpt (SOP)
Seldovia Arpt (SOV)
Show Low Arpt (SOW)
Black Hills Clyde Ice Field (SPF)
Whitted Arpt (SPG)
Capital Airport (SPI)
Wichita Falls Municipal Arpt (SPS)
Spencer Municipal (SPW)
Springdale Municipal Arpt (SPZ)
Santa Ynez Arpt (SQA)
Whiteside Cty Municipal (SQI)
San Carlos Arpt (SQL)
Sarasota Bradenton Arpt (SRQ)
Skypark Arpt (SRU)
McKinnon Arpt (SSI)
Chippewa Cnty Intl (CIU)
Saint Cloud Municipal (STC)
Stevens Point Municipal (STE)
Rosecrans Memorial Arpt (STJ)
Spirit Of St Louis Arpt (SUS)
East St Louis (CPS)
Lambert St Louis Intl (STL)
Downtown St Paul Arpt (STP)
Sonoma Cty Arpt (STS)
Cyril E King Arpt (STT)
Alexander Hamilton Arpt (STX)
Witham Field (SUA)
Door Country Arpt (SUE)
Sumter Municipal Arpt (SUM)
Friedman Memorial (SUN)
Travis AFB (SUU)
Richard I Bong Arpt (SUW)
Sioux Gateway Arpt (SUX)
Grant County Airport (SVC)
Statesville Municipal Arpt (SVH)
Seward Airport (SWD)
Stewart Airport (SWF)
Searcy Fld (SWO)
Hancock Intl (SYR)
Santa Paula Arpt (SZP)
Ralph Calhoun Arpt (TAL)
Forney Field (TBN)
Van De Graff Arpt (TCL)
Teterboro Arpt (TEB)
Telluride Municipal Arpt (TEX)
Northern Arpt (THA)
Hot Springs (THP)
York Arpt (THV)
Tacoma Industrial Arpt (TIW)
Space Center Executive Arpt (TIX)
Truckee Arpt (TKF)
Tok Arpt (TKJ)
Tallahassee Municipal (TLH)
Mefford Field (TLR)
Henry Tift Myers Arpt (TMA)
Municipal Newton Arpt (TNU)
Togiak Village Arpt (TOG)
Toledo Express Arpt (TOL)
Phillip Billard Arpt (TOP)
Forbes Field (FOE)
Torrington Minicipal Arpt (TOR)
Tampa Intl (TPA)
Peter O Knight Arpt (TPF)
St Petersburg Clearwater Arpt (PIE)
Tonopah Arpt (TPH)
Temple Arpt (TPL)
Tri City Regional Arpt (TRI)
Terrell Field Arpt (TRL)
Taos Airport (TSM)
Troutdale Arpt (TTD)
Trenton Mercer Arpt (TTN)
Trenton Airport (TRX)
Tulsa Intl (TUL)
C D Lemons Municipal Arpt (TUP)
Tucson Intl Arpt (TUS)
Cherry Capital Arpt (TVC)
Thief River Falls Numicipal (TVF)
Lake Tahoe Arpt (TVL)
Twin Hills Arpt (TWA)
Twin Falls City County Arpt (TWF)
Texarkana Municipal (TXK)
Pounds Field (TYR)
McGhee Tyson Arpt (TYS)
Lowndes Cty Arpt (UBS)
Golden Arpt (GTR)
Oneida County Arpt (UCA)
Bermuda Dunes Arpt (UDD)
Memorial Arpt (UGN)
Baldwin Field (UIN)
Ukiah Arpt (UKI)
Upper Bucks Arpt (UKT)
New Ulm Arpt (ULM)
Unalakleet Arpt (UNK)
University Oxford (UOX)
St Augustine Arpt (UST)
Garner Field (UVA)
Victoria Regional Arpt (VCT)
George AFB (VCV)
Vidalia Municipal Arpt (VDI)
Valdez Municipal Arpt (VDZ)
Vernal Municipal (VEL)
Culberson Cty Arpt (VHN)
Visalia Municipal (VIS)
Virginia Highlands Arpt (VJI)
Vicksburg Arpt (VKS)
Valdosta Regional (VLD)
Stolport Arpt (VLO)
Venice Municipal Airport (VNC)
Ft Walton Beach Arpt (VPS)
Duke Field (EGI)
Porter County (VPZ)
Vieques Arpt (VQS)
Vero Beach Municipal Arpt (VRB)
Illinois Valley Regional Arpt (VYS)
Wallops Flight Facility (WAL)
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA)
Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD)
Green County Airport (WAY)
Boulder Municipal Arpt (WBU)
Woodring Municipal (WDG)
Parker County Airport (WEA)
Winchester Airport (WGO)
Williams J Fox Arpt (WJF)
Quartz Hill Airport (RZH)
Arkansas City Arpt (WLD)
Selawik Arpt (WLK)
Winnemucca Municipal Airport (WMC)
Mountain Home Airport (WMH)
Worland Municipal Airport (WRL)
Westerly Municipal Airport (WST)
Watsonville Municipal Airport (WVI)
Waterville Robert LaFleur Airport (WVL)
Cape May Arpt (WWD)
West Woodward Airport (WWR)
Newtok Airport (WWT)
West Yellowstone Arpt (WYS)
Yakutat Arpt (YAK)
Yakima Air Terminal (YKM)
Chan Gurney Municipal (YKN)
Youngstown Municipal (YNG)
Yuma International Airport (YUM)
Zanesville Arpt (ZZV)
Departure Flight
Departure Date
Departure Time
Return Flight
Return Date
Return Time
Passenger information will be gathered after reserving flight